The Children of Now by Meg Blackburn Losey

— feeling alien
The Children of Now: Crystalline Children, Indigo Children, Star Kids, Angels on Earth, and the Phenomenon of Transitional Children - Meg Blackburn Losey

Wow. Just wow.

This is a book is about the children of the New Age. The next step in both physical and spiritual evolution of the human race. These are children who are gifted, but often misunderstood, and there for mistreated or disregarded often. They have purpose in the next step of changing the world, just like many other children for generations who were born gifted with knowledge and the abilities to guide others and bring peace and love to the world. This is who they are now, this is how we've changed as humans.

The author speaks from experience of encountering and working with all type of Children of Now, she tells personal stories, and quotes the children's profound wisdom. They are all wiser then their years, they know so much more then you'd expect from a child or even an adult.

She talks about the children, but also how to care for them as a parent, teacher or caregiver.

Iv'e read some articles on the matter that are scattered around about these children, but mostly about the Indigo Children, so this really set the the differences straight. Loved all of the children's quotes, they left me in awe.

I'd recommend this wonderful book to anyone, as long as you can keep your mind wide open.

